Saturday, September 17, 2011

week 2 progress (fa620)

Some of these got uglier, it happens a lot in my process. I have to have something bad so know why what to cover up to move forward.... These are all really wet right now. I have a few ideas of how I will proceed. Headed out to an art opening now!

1. 40"x48"

2. 48"x48"

3. 48"x56"

4. 40"x48"

5. 40"x48"

2-1 liking this a lot. Great contrasts.
2-2 some nice eye candy! Nice rhythms going on.
2-3 Feels too balanced.
2-4 cool, but it feels like it is being pulled to the 4 corners. Great sense of movement.
2-5 Passive, meek, posture. Interesting!

Nice stages!

2-1 shape in the center wants to become a recognizable object in my eyes. That's a bit distracting.
2-2 line pulling forward over the rest of the elements feels disconnected from the rest.
2-3 Very nice calligraphic mark in the red. My eye keeps heading for the activity in the upper right corner.
2-4 colors in this one feel less saturated, more natural, more complex, easier to see--waiting for more value range
2-5 sea green color is very bright. What pigment?

Coming along well!


I agree with all your remarks.

I think the "sea green" is

Cerulean Blue Deep

 hansa yellow light

and utrecht titanium white.
I don't have any greens out, and only that blue so i know that's right but not ultra positive on the yellow. Could also be some

 Bismuth Vanadate Yellow

and/or more likely
green gold

and I always use dirty brushes, but I think that was the first color I mixed this semester....

I'll transcribe Bao's comments in a separate post.

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