Thursday, September 1, 2011

intro (fa620)

Assignment: Tell us all a little bit about yourself, such as your area of study at the Academy, where you're from, and any other personal information you'd like to share with the class. 

Hey party people! This is also my last semester at AAU (fingers crossed). Some of you know I moved from Asheville, NC to Richmond, VA going on 2 years ago (just a blink it feels). I'm in the abstract track. Opposite of Lori, expression is what my work is about, and I'm in here to wrangle all my wild thoughts and various endeavors. I'll be telling you lots more about that as I plan to use this class to paint my entire final project. I have 10 paintings in the running for a 12 painting projected project already, but I'm fully prepared to scrap the lot since those paintings are "so last season."

I'm so happy to have Bao for my last studio class, as his feedback is always concise and spot on.

I'm also very excited to be in class with Kevin again. Partners in crime reunited. I hope ya'll are ready for some serious art discourse! Bring it!

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