Thursday, September 15, 2011

Expression and the underpainting…what is the challenge and the importance? (fa620)

The more layers of paint I use the more interesting the painting is. Sometimes the most interesting work comes from setting aside a painting that isn't working for a while and then annihilating it. My work may not be "about" anything but one could never accuse it of being "shallow"!!!
example: I hated this thing for months, so it sat for a while and I busted it back out and covered it almost entirely. It would not be what it is not without the super ugly phase. I love it now!


As you can see, all the layers are expressive.

Kev asked:

So, are you saying the before is an under-painting, or just a butt-ugly expressive phase of the finished piece? :)

I replied:

I find no distinction here. Technically all the things I paint over are under-paintings, right?

A lot of good parts do not a successful painting make. It's just so awkward.

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