Saturday, November 5, 2011

week 8 crit

Bao said: [For the first two,] it is a really good developing for this picture. Right now I really like the energy movement for whole over the composition. I mark here like the letter a in these areas if you have a chance try to mix little bit cooler color in that areas. And I think maybe it makes this warm color more sensitive. Of course you can think about the other places. I just give you some idea around these positions for the cool color. You can make your own decision. Add some little bit more cool colors and I think maybe the composition much more sensitive and much more transparent for the warm color.

It is a good foundation and a lot of potentials to developing this artwork. I mark here the letter A in this areas, this shape, if you make the value and color darker little bit more I think this would be much better for the composition. Because for the top of the left side some are really strong, the horizontal lines there. If you have some little bit darker color transition to the whole over composition I think this would be much better to help consistency and unity for whole over the composition.

I really like the transparency and color tone for the whole over composition. I mark a letter a in these areas if you make that areas a little bit grayed down, calmed down, and darker a little bit value more it will be much better for the whole over composition

Kevin said:
Love where you are taking #8. YES!
and i can tell I'm going to like #10 a lot.
Watching 7 closely. I can see the smoke billowing over your work area. I can tell you are thinking heavily about it.
These are looking great.

Nova said:
Hi Emily,
Very lovely work. I agree with Kevin...#8 & 10 are working out very well. Great compositions and color palette. Very expressive work.

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