Friday, October 14, 2011

week 6 crit

Bao Said:
6_4. For me in this painting is almost finished but I still have little bit suggestion and that is the letter A these areas this kind of jumping lines little bit overdo it. If you make some a little bit looser and subtle a little bit more I think this would be much better. For example, like the letter b in that areas I think it is really good because that part has a consistence and unity and whole over the other shape and the form. But the letter A that lines become superficial like on top of the other image.

6_6. For this picture I think you are still in the process you can continue to go ahead to make other layers and see what is happen.

Kevin said:
Interesting. Esp the 2nd one as I have to stop and wonder how you got here. You are really pushing these in very interesting directions. I never would have guessed you's use stripes. I like them.

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