Tuesday, October 4, 2011

week 4 crit

  Bao said:
4_1. You did a good job for developing for this picture. Right now looks much much better and also sensitive and a reach, and I think it’s really good. I mark here like the letter a the right side of the bottom I think if you make some little bit texture and really subtle image or line or shape or the other image there really subtle there in the letter a in that areas I think this would be much better for the composition because right now in that part I think little bit need something show off there because right now I feel have a little bit something missing. So if you have a little bit image there I think this would be much better for the composition. Of course don’t make it too strong really subtle and make some transparent image there. I’m sure it looks much more exciting. anyway right now this picture is a good developing

4_2. I think it is really good you are going to make the green color darker. I think it is really important because right now the red color is pretty bright. So if you make the darker little bit more the green color and the green line I think maybe make this composition the color more harmony and also much more dynamic. I think that’s really good you go ahead and go to your direction and continue to make darker the green lines.

4_3. I think this is a pretty good developing for this picture. So you can go ahead and go to your directions and continue to work a little bit more on this picture.

4_6. This is a really nice underpainting for this picture. You can go ahead and continue to base on this foundation to make this artwork developing

Kevin said:
1, 2, and 4 are my favorites. I really like how these are progressing. The 3rd bugs me with all the drips. They seem to be in charge.  

i said:
more in charge than the red????

Kevin said:
I think it's just the diagonals that bug me. The fact that they are their own layer with nothing breaking over them allows them to flatten that area. Just a personal preference thing, really. If you like them, keep them.

I said:
I did actually go over some parts with the red, but it wasn't opaque enough to obliterate it. I'll work on that. Your wish is my command.

Don't forget what I said, "I think back to the scene in the Ed Harris Pollock when Clem said the painting misses and Jack brings the painting into the living room to change it upon Clem’s whim and Jack can’t. Jack was a wimp."

I'm no wimp! :)


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